Two new Oxford rams join Signet RamCompare trial for 2023
Following successful performance of the first Oxford rams in Signet’s RamCompare trial in the 2021 and 2022 seasons, two new Oxford rams have been added this autumn.
Both rams have gone to the same commercial producers who used the previous Oxford rams.
Ruth Steele’s Weeton flock at Hull in East Yorkshire provided the 2-shear ram Weeton Fazer to Duncan Nelless at Thistleyhaugh Farm, Longhorsley, Morpeth, Northumberland for use on Lleyn ewes, part of a 2000-strong organic flock on the farm. Weeton White Walker was used at Thistleyhaugh last year.
Commenting on Weeton Fazer joining RamCompare, Ruth Steele said: “Fazer is in the top 1% of recorded Oxfords and is the top Oxford stock sire recorded. He has tremendous growth rates, being in the top 1% of recorded Oxfords for both 8 week weight and scan weight. He is in the top 25% of the recorded breed for mucle depth.”
Using rams with a proven high growth rate will have a direct impact on commercial flocks as lambs will reach slaughter weight earlier.
The second ram sold for use in RamCompare this year is a shearling ram Lydiard 00195 from Lindsay Rumming’s Lydiard flock at Swindon, Wiltshire. He is top 5% for the breed and completely grass fed. This ram has also gone for use on Lleyns within the 1400 ewe flock run by Ian Robertson at Chawton Park, Alton, Hampshire. Last year another ram from Lindsay, Lydiard 00111 was successfully used by Mr Robertson.
There are now six registered Oxford flocks being performance recorded by Signet:
J W S & M F S Brown Monkstone/Redhouse flock Tenby, Pembrokeshire
J A Porter - Sundown flock Norwich, Norfolk
Mrs L N Rumming Lydiard flock Swindon, Wiltshire
Mrs R J Steele Weeton flock Hull, East Yorkshire
D & L Allen Whittington flock Devizes, Wiltshire
J J Richardson Rose-dene flock Newton-on-Derwent, York
The flocks are recorded for a number of traits including 8 week weight, scan weight, muscle depth and fat depth.
Lydiard Shearling ram by Lydiard Douglas
Sold to Chawton Park, Hampshire