Sales archive
NSA Builth Wells Ram Sale
Please find attached the catalogue for Rings 3 & 7 at the NSA Builth Wells Ram Sale to be held on Monday, 23rd September at the Royal Welsh Showground, Builth Wells, Powys.
This year there is an entry of 9 Oxford Down rams comprising:
Ring 3 (non-acc)
3 shearling rams from M L, G E & R Vincent, New House Flock No 1295
Ring 7 (MV acc)
1 two-shear ram from M F S & J W S Brown, Monkstone Flock No 985/Redhouse Flock No 1189
1 shearling ram from M F S & J W S Brown, Monkstone Flock No 985/Redhouse Flock No 1189
4 shearling rams from M G & J M Johnson, Longfriday Flock No 1052
Please note that the official catalogue for the sale incorrectly shows the consignments from J Brown and M Johnson in Ring 3. In fact these lots will be sold at the end of Ring 7. Only R Vincent's consignment will be sold in Ring 3. The attached file shows the consignments in the correct rings and sale order.
Carlisle native breeds sale
Please find attached the catalogue for the Oxford Down lots at the Carlisle native breeds sale to be held on Saturday, 21st September at Harrison & Hetherington's Carlisle market.
This year there is an entry of 11 Oxford Downs comprising 5 flock ewes, 4 shearling ewes and 2 shearling rams from A W Rutherford (Langrigg Flock No 977) and Mrs C Taylor (Bowker Flock No 1304). Note that the 6 females entered by Mrs Taylor represent the dispersal of the Bowker flock. All entries are non-accredited.
Melton Mowbray Show & Sale
The catalogue for the Melton Mowbray Show & Sale on Saturday, 14th September is available here
Worcester sale
The Oxford Down Show & Sale to be held at Worcester market on Saturday 10th August.
Melton Mowbray sale
Entries are now open for the Oxford Down Show & Sale to be held at Melton Mowbray market on Saturday 14th September.
Entries can be submitted online at home.grassroots.co.uk
(Click on ‘For Farmers’ then 'Melton Show and Sale’ and then ‘Melton Entries’)
For postal entries, please call the market office on (01664) 562971 to obtain an entry form. Postal entries should be sent directly to the market: Melton Mowbray Market, Scalford Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1JY
All entry fees should be sent directly to the market, cheques payable to Melton Market Auctioneers.
Closing dates for entries:
Postal entries close on Sunday 4th August
Online entries close on Sunday 11th August
Click below for the schedule for the event. The Oxford Down-specific rules are on page 20 of this document.
It would help greatly with the preparation of the catalogue if members entering rams to be sold as 'eligible for registration' or ewe lambs could submit notifications for these prior to the closing date using Pedeweb, accessed via the online Flock Book on the Oxford Down website: https://www.oxforddownsheep.org.uk/online-flock-book
If you have any queries regarding the sale please e-mail registrations@oxforddownsheep.org.uk or call me on (01698) 824839 (evenings & weekends).